Higher Education

Comparison between Vocational School, Community College, and University.

There are so many options to pick from when you’re ready to start a career!. It’s important to think of different options that don’t only constitute in a 4-year college. For example, if you’d like to get jumpstarted on a career right away, think of vocational schools!

Now that I have graduated high school, what pathway do I choose?  Well, the options are limitless!

The California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the nation, with 2.4 million students attending 112 colleges. Our colleges provide students with the knowledge and background necessary to compete in today’s economy. With a wide range of educational offerings, the colleges provide workforce training, basic courses in English and math, certificate and degree programs and preparation for transfer to four-year institutions.

Do you want to learn more about the different California State Universities available? Then you've come to the right place! You're just one click away from learning about the differences between the 23 schools!

Nine undergraduate campuses, one application. More than two-thirds of undergraduates receive grants and scholarships to help them attend UC.

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