College Preparation Checklist

Why Go to College?

A higher education introduces students to new people and new experiences, and usually leads to a higher salary and lower chance of unemployment. This checklist will tell you how to get ready for college—and how the government will help you pay for it.          


How To Use the Checklist

  • Q: Who should use the checklist?

A: Students of all ages who haven’t attended college, and parents of students in elementary and secondary school.

  • Q: What is the checklist?

A: A “to do” list, starting with elementary school, to help students prepare academically and financially for education beyond high school. Each section is split into subsections for students and parents, explaining what to do and which publications or websites might be useful to them.

  • Q: When should a student or parent refer to the checklist?

A: At the beginning of every school year, and then more frequently as college approaches.

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