Use this website for information on: 
Financial Aid Programs
Getting Started in Applying for Aid
Chafee Grant
WebGrants for Students
How to Apply for the Cal Grant
Application for the California Dream Act
Cal Grant GPA Form
Brochures and Workbooks on How to Fund Your Future
How to Avoid Identity Theft
Scholarship or Scam? How to tell when it's the real thing or not
Also check out this website if you want more Information on:
Pell Grants Federal Student Aid
College Choice College Choice
Student Debt - Income-Based Repayment Federal Student Aid Repay Your Loan
Understanding the repayment process for your federal student loans can go a long way toward building a solid financial foundation.
The White House Plan - To Make College More Affordable — Fact Sheet
A higher education is the single most important investment students can make in their own futures. At the same time, it has never been more expensive.That’s why since taking office, President Obama has made historic investments in college affordability,increasing the maximum Pell Grant award for working and middle class families by more than $900, creating the American Opportunity Tax Credit, and enacting effective student loan reforms eliminating bank subsidies.
The Common Application
ECMC Foundation Contributes $98 Million to the Cal Grant Program
Obama Administration has announced the "Pay as you Earn" plan
If you are a recent college graduate a new government loan repayment plan may help you manage your monthly Direct Student Loan payments.To learn more details and to see if you quality, click here: