Writing a Cover Letter

After having completed your resume, you may ask yourself whether a cover letter is really important. A cover letter is an opportunity to sell yourself and can be very influential in getting you a job interview. 

5 Tips for Writing a Good Cover Letter: 

1.) Write to a particular person. If possible, avoid writing " To Whom It May Concern" and make an effort to find out the name of the hiring manager. 

2.) Personalize your opening. State why you are submitting your resume and remind the reader of any previous contact that you have had (i.e., I am following up with the phone conversation that we had earlier this week.) 

3.) Highlight your skills and experienceElaborate on the experience listed in your resume and take the opportunity to brag about your accomplishments and strengths. 

4.) Demonstrate that you can write. Proofread your letter and avoid typos and spelling mistakes; this is the chance to show your ability to communicate clearly. Sometimes it is difficult to see your own mistakes, so have someone else also proofread your letter. 

5.) Include your contact Information. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address on your cover letter because it may get separated from your resume. 

Write down the answers to the following questions to help you when writing your cover letter: 
1.) What position are you submitting your resume for? Who are you submitting your resume to? 
2.) List five of your strengths below. 
3.) List three skills that are needed for the position that you are applying for. 


Using the tips listed above, write your cover letter emphasizing the strengths that you have and the skills that you will be able to bring to the position. The following is a general format that may be used:


Your Contact Information
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address


Employer Contact Information
Company Name
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Mrs. Last Name (use "To Whom It May Concern" if you don't have the person's name),

First Paragraph
The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the position you are applying for and where you found the job listing. Include the name of a mutual contact, if you have one. 

Middle Paragraph(s)
The next section of your cover letter should describe the strengths and skills that you have to offer the employer. This is your opportunity to explain and enhance your resume while mentioning the qualifications that you have that are specific to the job you are applying for. 

Final Paragraph
Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information about how you will follow-up (i.e., "I will call you next week to schedule a time to meet"). 

Complimentary Close 
Respectfully yours, 

Handwritten Signature (for a mailed letter) 
Typed Signature (if sent via email)

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